Olympic Neighbors provides residential and community inclusion services to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This includes housing, as well as supportive services to empower people to discover their full potential and to build community connections through:
Access to safe affordable housing in the local community with 24-staff support
Support to pursue and maintain employment, volunteer, educational and recreational opportunities
Connection to meaningful peer and community relationships.
There are more than 100 people with IDD over the age of 21 living in their parent’s home in Jefferson County. As parents and caregivers age, those individuals will likely need some form of support to continue to live in the community. Olympic Neighbors is currently operating the only licensed Adult Family Home solely serving this population in Jefferson County for this population.
Our Mission is creating home and community for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Olympic Neighbors believes that a good quality of life involves relationships of mutual respect, education and (or) meaningful work, real participation in community life, a stress-reducing rhythm of daily activities, seasonal celebrations, a rich artistic and cultural life, acceptance, individual recognition, and dignity for everyone. At the same time, Olympic Neighbors understands and values the rights of each individual to choose their own path and to be involved in making decisions that affect their own life.
Our Values
We believe that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities can live in the community, have a good quality of life and contribute to society just as much as a someone without a disability.
We promote self-reliance by providing opportunities and support for all we serve to use the skills they already have and to develop the new skills they need to reach their individual goals.
We help those we serve maintain and develop relationships with a diverse community of people and we respect their right to choose their own friends and partners.
We do not limit the activities and experiences of those we serve strictly to the disability community. We support those we serve to pursue their interests and overcome barriers to participate fully in the larger community.
We look for ways to help those we serve feel good about themselves and about how they are perceived by others.
We pay attention to and take seriously the expression of individual goals and desires. We promote opportunities for those we serve to make informed decisions and to take responsibility for the outcome of their choices.
We promote personal health and well-being by offering assistance with hygiene, nutrition, exercise and access to medical care. We identify the risk for abuse, neglect, or exploitation for those we serve and we provide education, advocacy and protection. We balance the need for safety with other values that are important to those we serve
The purpose of our work is to help those we serve increase the power they have over their own lives, to help them participate fully in society, and to help them achieve the lifestyle and goals they set for themselves.